Creating a Solid Business Plan for Your Not-for-Profit in Australia

A solid business plan is essential for starting a not-for-profit organisation to effectively plan and achieve its mission and goals. A business plan provides a roadmap for the organisation’s activities, identifies potential challenges and opportunities, and outlines strategies for success. In this article, we will discuss tips and tricks for creating a solid business plan […]
Marketing Your Non-Profit in Australia: Strategies for Increasing Awareness and Engagement

Effective marketing is essential for non-profit organisations to increase awareness, attract donors, and engage with their target audience. However, not-for-profit organisations often have limited resources and face intense competition for attention and funding. This article outlines strategies for a starting not-profit organization to effectively market their mission, programs, and services to increase awareness and engagement. […]
Building a Strong Team for Your Non profit: Tips for Recruitment and Retention

A non profit organisation relies heavily on its team of staff and volunteers to carry out its mission and achieve its goals. As such, it is crucial to build a strong team that is passionate, dedicated, and aligned with the organisation’s vision. Recruiting and retaining top talent can be challenging for nonprofit organisations, especially with […]
Legal Requirements for Starting a Non-for-profit in Australia

Starting a nonprofit organization can be a fulfilling experience, as it allows you to create a positive impact on society while pursuing a cause you care about. However, like any other business venture, running a nonprofit organization requires compliance with legal requirements. In Australia, there are specific regulations that govern the operation of nonprofit organizations. […]